A Note from the COO…

I was a journalism major, back in the days of actual-factual journalism, and have enjoyed writing since, well, since sometime last century. My intent for Olive Words is to engage in a bit of whimsical wandering in the unfolding field of…fun.

“Bottom line: Creativity is calling — and it’s got a really nice ringtone!”

This site isn’t meant to be full of Pun-a-Day posts, or etymological explorations or linguistic laments. (Although some of these may show up once or twice in a while.) What I really want to do here is find ways to think about, learn from, laugh at, and be inspired by words and their cerebral sister: writing.

So, thanks in advance for coming along with me on this Right Brain journey. Warning: The road may be rocky, rutted, or non-existent at times. Just remember:

Olive us know that life comes with a twist!

– Lindiana Hunt, Chief Olive Officer